Holidays tips, tricks, and more

Halloween Safety Tips for 2021

Halloween is a fun night celebrated by all.  Whether you are going door to door, attending an organized trunk or treat, or having your own Halloween celebration, there are several safety tips to keep in mind before that first piece of candy is unwrapped (or stolen by parents)!

For Organized Events:

-Make sure you have your eye on your children at all times.  It is very easy for children, in their excitement, to run ahead or run out of sight. 

-Meet each person handing out candy to your child.  Make eye contact.

For Door-to-door:

-Costumes should not be too long a child can trip over them or too tight they cannot move or run.

-Each child/group of children should be accompanied by an adult.

-Costumes should have a reflective sticker or glow in the dark spray paint so they are easily seen at night.

-Each child/parent should have their own flashlight or glow stick.

-Parents should accompany children to door of home and make eye contact with homeowner.

-All candy should be inspected before eating. Open packages or homemade treats should be thrown away unless you know the person handing the treats out.


-Tweens/Teens should go in groups if not accompanied by an adult. (An adult is preferred)

-Instruct them not to go into anyone’s home for any reason (bathroom, to get more candy, to pet an animal.

-Watch out for older kids that may prey on younger kids and steal candy.  Safety in numbers

-Respect homeowners – use driveways/walkways, don’t trample on grass or bushes.  Do not touch decorations. Do not touch pumpkins. Watch out for lit candles and flowing costumes.

-Respect those coming after you if homeowner leaves bowl of candy on porch.  Take one and leave some for next group of kids.

-Take flashlights or glow sticks.

-Please refrain from scaring younger children.


-Drive slowly in all neighborhoods beginning at dusk.

-Pay attention pulling out driveways and entering intersections.  Children often dart between cars or run into street in excitement.

-Be aware parents will drive slowly in neighborhoods with their children so be patient.

October 29, 2021

For our Veterans

This time of year we begin to reflect on what we are most thankful for.

We are thankful for you and your family as you become a part of Crosier Security Consulting.

We are thankful that each of you have a desire to be safe and to protect your family.

We are thankful that we live in a country where we have so many freedoms which so many take for granted. We did not get these freedoms without the cost of so many. We thank every veteran for their service. Thank you for putting yourselves in harm’s way to keep America safe. These men and women step up when necessary to defend our country.

Happy Veterans Day to each of you and know that you are appreciated. You sacrifice has not been forgotten. May each of you reading this have a great Thanksgiving and we hope that you take this time to reflect on what you truly are thankful for in your lives.