Fire Prevention Safety

October is National Crime and Fire Prevention Month. You will hear about crime prevention tips from me in the future but today I would like to thank the men and women who fight fires daily. Your dedication and training are top notch and please know that your knowledge and efforts are appreciated. I would like to take a few minutes and dedicate this post to sharing some fire prevention tips.

Smoke detectors save lives. Smoke tends to rise upwards so you should install your smoke alarms at the highest point in the room. Smoke alarms should be installed inside and outside of each bedroom. For homes with more than one story, install alarms on each floor and in the stairways. Remember to change the batteries once a year but test the alarm itself once a month.

Fire extinguishers should be placed in the kitchen. You should purchase a multi-purpose fire extinguisher for the kitchen. These are commonly referred to as an “A, B, C” fire extinguisher. These are large enough to put out a small fire yet are light enough for anyone to use. When using a fire extinguisher remember the anacronym PASS. Pull the pin out. Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire. Squeeze the handle. Sweep across the base of the fire.

If you have multiple levels to your residence, you should consider escape ladders for the second and third story windows. You should measure the windowsill to make sure the ladder fits. Measure the height of the window from the ground. Doing these two things will ensure that you purchase the correct ladder for your needs.

In conclusion, remember the three Ps in fire prevention. Prevent the fire. Ask yourself if you have adequate alarms, extinguishers, etc. Plan of action. How do you plan on getting out of the house. Discuss a meeting place everyone will meet after exiting the residence. Finally, practice your plan. Practice these actions frequently in case of an actual fire.

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